Let's begin with identifying the projects. I have currently two.
The camera, which I call Ropkeit (for no reason!?), had a predecessor.
This was the prototype. In the pic above the blog you can see me and the camera; it was taken throught a mirror, so you see the camera. That's one of the first photos I took with the camera. There are dozens of more, but the project was frozen for a while and no photos were taken. The object, taken from old Minolta SRT-101, wasn't useful at all, due to it's focal length etc it was mostly suitable for macro photographing... I found later an old lense from disposed overhead projector (is that what it's called) and all the photos were taken with it. I'll probably use the same lense in the new camera.

Working with the bellows. I though it was a miracle when I built these and they actually worked, and I only made them once!!! Few problems: not so very pretty (corners, and not a perfect square!!). White fleece in the inside; not good (reflects light; should be black; might lower the quality of photos and mess exposuring). Too big frames in the front and in the back. The camera was supposed to be fitted for up to 30 x 30 cm negatives, but the bellows restricted it to something like 27 x 26 cm
Length is somewhere near 50-60 cm
The construction was all my own idea.. great sheet of black fabric (the one that let's 3% of light throught, not perhaps perfect, but very close indeed), then tens of strips of plastic, and then great sheet of white (mistake) fleece, and about 30 ml of glue.. kinda like a sandwich. And nerves, yes, also nerves were consumed.
The next camera's supposed to be bigger. Negative size up to 50 x 50 cm, FL perhaps closer to 100 cm (woaah, a mammoth camera). Should rule the world. I'm going to make the front box equal size with the rear box. Biggest difference will be the quality of handiwork. I'm gonna do it precisely according to my plans. I already planned the camera with a 3D-software. Model isn't very complicated. The more simple the solutions are, the greater the change of succeed will be.
For some reason I want to do things at least SLIGHTLY different way, so the structure will be like, hmm, "hanging style". Rail is up, and front and rear boxes are "hanging" from it. In the center there's the structure of the stand.
There's obviously no bellows in these pictures, and about the scale; this is 30 x 30 version, not the actual 50 x 50, which I mean to build.
Also one mistake; the legs of the stand
in the upper pic are too close to each other, bellows wouldn't possibly fit betweeen em.
The second project is about programming a software for dairy management, lol, so we'll leave that from the blog. The alpha version is already in use already and is great for heat management of the dairy.