Nothing's happened to the camera for a month, it's been busy time. Harvesting silage is now over, and next bigger job is to spread 3 000 tonnes of slurry to the fields.
Like always, I don't have time to build the camera. And if I do, I'll spend it in some other way.
But since this is a blog about building something, I should mention that I'm building a slurry mixer. In the end, it weights about tonne, it is 6-7 meters long and it has 90-100cm wide propel. It will be operated by a 6-7 tonne tractor so it's kinda far away from the camera project but - made with hands. ... we'll see if I got energy to put pictures of it. I'm pretty exhausted nowadays so if there's a gap between periods of work, I'll spend it relaxing..
We'll see if I manage to put more updates before the summer is over.
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