tiistai 19. helmikuuta 2013

Economy and the method

The current project.

About the costs. Quite important part for all of us..

The fabrics will cost 50 euros. Plywood less than 10 (and there's way too much of it but it's the smallest m2 to be bought)  and the metal, well, scrap metal, 0 euros. Glue will cost 5-10 euros. I think knobs etc will take at maximum 30 euros?

So it's kinda cheap hobby to be building a camera, even a bigger camera.


The photographing itself it's way more expensive.. my method is to expose straight to black'n white photographing paper which is taped to the casette in darkroom. Cool impression, since the paper is not photosensitive for red light, so red stuff will appear black.

Of course I'm doing everything in black'n white.. we'll see if some day I'll try another method (I'll bet on it). Wet plate perhaps? Would be great for these large format cameras.

Another thing I'd love to do, is to make casettes durable against water; construction material would be plastic etc. so I could build three boxes in which the casettes fit. The boxes would contain the chemistry for developing the pics. --> Tadaa, photos in the field.

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